Arizona Psychodrama Institute

Psychodrama, developed by Jacob L. Moreno, strives to explore a client’s individual issues through the use of dramatic activities. By implementing group dynamics, role playing, and various other experiential techniques, this form of therapy offers a client the ability to gain a better perspective on their inner emotional experiences and conflicts. Psychodrama helps a client develop emotional and physical well-being and builds and strengthens the cognitive, behavioral and affective skills through active movement. This type of therapy can be applied in group or individual settings and focuses on helping a client achieve maximum personal enlightenment and healing. In this form of therapy, clients will often play out multiple scenarios that depict specific life events, fantasies, dreams, or mental states. These dramatic presentations represent a client’s perception of a situation or are creations of their emotional processing mechanism. The therapist may encourage the client to take on other roles or assign identities to objects to expand the scene. Psychodrama is a very effective tool when applied in a group setting. When psychodrama is conducted in front of an audience, the participation is sensory and reactive. The protagonist may even invite the audience to participate further through verbal or physical actions, therefore creating a larger field through which the therapeutic process can exist. For more information about psychodrama and psychodrama training visit,


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